Below are resources you may find helpful to look into, depending on where you're at in your mental health journey. Please note that although these are resources provided on the Journey with Peace website, that does not mean everything in the resources is condoned or promoted by Journey with Peace.
- Being a Brain-Wise Therapist: A Practical Guide to Interpersonal Neurobiology by Bonnie Badenoch
- Healing the Fragemented Selves of Trauma Survivors: Overcoming Internal Self-Alienation by Janina Fisher
Dr. Daniel Amen (Psychiatrist & Brain Health Expert):
Amen Clinics offers brain imaging and support to those with anxiety, depression, PTSD, memory loss, etc.
Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Information:
Drugwatch: "Drugwatch works side by side with award-winning legal experts to educate the public on dangerous drugs and medical devices and to empower consumers to assert their legal rights."'
Unique HSA/FSA Eligible Products/ Services:
Truemed: Offers HSA/FSA eligible products and memberships to help improve physical and mental health of all.